Eli McCarthy

Eli McCarthy, PhD, teaches in the Peace Studies program at George Washington University. He has published a book called Becoming Nonviolent Peacemakers: A Virtue Ethic for Catholic Social Teaching and U.S. Policy, (2012) along with numerous academic articles such as “Good Practices of Unarmed Civilian Protection: Case Study in Israel and Palestine,” in the book Wielding Nonviolence in the Midst of Violence, "A Justpeace Response to Syria" in Nonviolent Change, "Truth and Reconciliation Commissions: Toward a More Just U.S. Society" in the Peace Studies Journal, "Will You Really Protect Us Without a Gun?: Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping in the U.S." in the Journal for Peace and Justice Studies and "Called to Holiness: Integrating the Virtue of Nonviolent Peacemaking," in the Journal of Catholic Social Thought.
He also participates in national religious advocacy coalitions mobilizing community leaders, and working to enhance U.S. policy in emerging peacebuilding practices and vision. Eli has been formed by multiple trips to Haiti working with the poor, working with persons who are homeless in Boston and DC and monitoring the Palestinian Elections in 2006 with the Nonviolent Peaceforce. He also participates in the DC Peace Team, offering nonviolent conflict intervention and restorative justice training, peace education and unarmed civilian protection.
PSTD 1010 Introduction to Peace Studies