Inaugural RELx Talks - Interfaith Week

December 4, 2024

Professor Aviv presenting at the inaugural RELx Interfaith Week Lecture

The Faculty of the Department of World Religions joined several Religion Majors to offer mini-presentations in partnership with the Center for Interfaith and Spiritual Life at GW for Interfaith Week, Friday November 15, 2024. 

These micro-lectures, or RELx Talks, introduced students, staff, and other faculty to the work of the Department. Small, rapid-fire, 5-minute RElx Talks gave a glimpse into current research, next projects, and intriguing questions from scholars junior and senior. 

The audience learned more about claims of prophetic utterance during the Civil Rights Movement, social-media influencer Imams, Buddhist-inspired Hirshhorn Museum Installations, the politics of civil religion, AI Jesus Chatbots, and religious debates over extraterrestrial life. 

Thank you for all who attended our first inaugural RELx Interfaith lectures--we hope to see you next year!